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America’s First Major Nickel Refinery


Westwin is America's First Major Nickel Refinery solving America’s critical minerals
crisis -- a crisis of foreign dependency, ESG violations, and forecasted global deficits.

Currently, no commercial nickel refining capacity exists in the U.S., which means the U.S. relies nearly entirely on imports for its own nickel consumption. Therefore, developing refining capacities is critical to reduce reliance on Foreign Entity of Concerns (FEOCs) and establish a localized and secure supply chain.  Westwin solves this issue by localizing nickel refining capacities, and mitigating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) violations within the global critical mineral supply chain. The company is dedicated to upholding ESG standards, ensuring ethical sourcing, traceability, and a more equitable profit distribution across all supply chain stakeholders.  As global and domestic demand for nickel continues to rise, Westwin is strategically positioned to supply Class 1 nickel products and address forecasted market deficits.


Westwin Within the Nickel Supply Chain

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